Master with the rewritten version of yours. You'll create extra work for them as they try to re-sync their copies of However, if other people already have a copy of that merge commit, then To do would be to simply do a hard reset to remove the merge commit from If you're not sharing your master branch with other people, the simplest thing Results of the merge commit, or do you want to just remove the merge commit from Revert the merge by adding another commit that is the reverse of the Merge can easily be accomplished from the command line, but do you want to Merge commits (at least in Windows SourceTree It's very unfortunate that SourceTree doesn't make it easy for you to revert It allows you to do practically everything that Source Tree allows you to do, but you can do it from directly inside your code editor! The steps for doing this using Git Graph are roughly the same as the steps for doing this in Source Tree.
Update 2: If you use Visual Studio Code as your code editor, I highly recommend installing the "Git Graph" extension. This is probably the easiest way to do it but since it is based on history deletion, If others are working on the project, make sure to let them all know what you are doing so you don't break anyone's git repository.

Type git push origin name_of_branch -force into terminal (you may need to enter your git repo username and password for it to accept the command) Unfortunately you need terminal to do this bit.Click "Reset current branch to this commit".Right click on the commit you want to reset the branch to.Check out the branch you made the mistake on.This method is based on history deletion: