To confirm your deposits after 2 business days, log back into PayPal, and click the red Confirm icon under your bank's name on the right side of the page.You'll need to enter these two values to confirm that you are the owner of the bank account. PayPal will make two small deposits into your account, totaling less than a dollar. If you entered your bank account number manually, check your bank account in 24-48 business hours.Click Agree and Link (bank account) or Link Card(credit/debit card).Debit or credit card: Type the card number, expiration date, 3-digit CVC code, and other info when prompted.You'll find these numbers at the bottom of a check or on your banking statement. Checking or savings account: Type the account number and routing number when prompted.If no options match, click Debit or credit card if you're linking a card, or Enter your bank details if linking a bank account. Use the search bar to search for your bank.If your bank wasn't listed, you'll have to enter your account information manually:

This article has been viewed 2,688,339 times. This article received 93 testimonials and 80% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Hannah received her BA in Art History from Yale University, MFA in Painting from Boston University, and studied accounting at Brooklyn College. She has been hosted to speak about taxes for artists by institutions including the Harvard Ed Portal, the Boston Foundation, the New York Foundation for the Arts, RISD, and Cornell University. She has her Enrolled Agents license, which is a tax expertise and representation credential issued by the IRS.

As an Artist and Tax Specialist with over 10 years of experience in freelance taxation, Hannah specializes in doing taxes for self-employed creative people and small businesses, setting up a business as a creative person, and personal finance issues in creative work. Hannah Cole is an Enrolled Agent and the Founder of Sunlight Tax. This article was written by Hannah Cole and by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA.